Tara's Bike Fit at Denver Fit Loft
As Tara has continued to ride more and more, it has always been on our to-do list to have her get a real bike fit to make sure her bike is set up and not aggravating or causing any additional injuries. I recently joined the Denver Fit Loft bike team to ride for the 2016 season, so it seemed prudent to go get her a fit at the team shop. Here she is working with Daniel (one of my teammates and master fit specialist) to adjust her position. It is kind of a funny experience as your bike is set up in the middle of this room on a platform and they put sticky dots on all your joins so they can 3-D map your bike position as you pedal on the trainer. I don't think in the end there were too many major adjustments, just a few tweaks and perhaps a different stem that fits her better. What is helpful is to have the peace of mind to know your bike is set up properly for the hours you are going to spend on your bike.
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