The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

First Snow!

We were excited to see the first real snow of the season.  Though it wasn't much, Gavin scrounged just enough of it up to create this midget snow man.  He had like half a chest and a block head.  What you can also see in this picture is Gavin's new snow suit that we purchased for him as he had outgrown last year's set.  This set is pretty nice and hopefully will fit him for at least two or three years.  It's a matching blue Columbia set of ski pants and coat. 

Gage got out in the fun a bit later but didn't stay long.  We got a quick picture of the two of them.  You will notice Gage in Gavin's old yellow coat from last year.  I guess this is the curse of being the younger, smaller brother.


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