The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Gavin's 9th Birthday!

I can't believe Gavin is turning nine years old!  They always says the years go by so quickly, but that's probably because it always seems that way.  This year we decided to go indoors for a little Battledarts.  Gavin invited his best friends for a chance to shoot at each other with little nerf disks.  I, of course, wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to light some of them up myself!

Gavin is getting ready for his first game.  They provide the nerf dart guns and protective eye wear, though you can also bring your own nerf guns from home if you have them.

I think they had his whole party on one side in green and another birthday party going against them in blue.  Lots of cardboard walls created this little labyrinth with windows that you could pop out of and shoot some people.  If you got hit, you were supposed to go back to the back wall and reset before coming out again.

As you can see, a lot of time was spent picking up more ammo that littered the floor so you could keep firing essentially non-stop the whole time.  We played for about an hour straight in two separate rooms with different mazes and some different lights.

After the games, we headed to a nearby park to have cupcakes and formally sing Happy Birthday to our newly nine year old son.  Gavin is such a fun-loving, creative, inquisitive, active young man.  I am so glad that he is in our lives and we get to help him grow up to be all he wants to be.


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