Lawn Moving Service
What are those child labor laws again? Just kidding, Gavin has always loved helping out with the yard work and doing outdoor projects. On this particular day, he decided to muster up the courage to ask if he could help mow the lawn. As he is approaching 10, I figured it was about time to show him how it all works.
As you can see, there was quite a bit of instruction to be given with him mowing inside my arms and having to push the lawn mower.
After a few assisted circles, we turned him loose and all stood back at a safe distance.
After a half a lap, he remarked that the mower was quite a bit harder to push than it looked and was promptly looking for some more assistance. I informed him that my strength is quite deceptive and that with practice he can someday be strong enough to mow the whole lawn if he keeps practicing. I am not sure that day is going to be anytime too soon, but we had a great time trying...
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