The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I love this picture of Gavin in the middle of the pumpkin patch looking for the perfect pumpkin to bring back home.  If you go to the patch during the middle of the week, it's not even a zoo!

I think we have some winning pumpkins here to bring back home.

The best part of the pumpkin patch is all of the extra things to do there like run on a maze of huge hay bales that make up the hay maze for the younger kids.

Feeding the goats is almost always a favorite stop.  I am sure if it was legal, Gavin would try to bring back a goat to our backyard to live at our house.

They both just love animals and playing outside at places like this.  It really brings out the best in them as they just laugh and run and involve each other positive experiences.


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