The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Oh, what fun my boys and I have up at the YMCA camp in Estes Park!  It's fun to think about what has changed and what has stayed the same over the years.  I used to dread when the boys asked to play mini golf up there because they never made it to the end or followed many of the rules ;) but it's gotten better over the years, and now I don't dread it quite so much!  But one thing that has stayed the same is how remarkably well the boys both focus on their individual arts and crafts projects and always look forward to what new project they'll pick.  This time Gavin made a mosaic lotus, and Gage made a mosaic cross, and they both turned out really beautiful! 

Another thing that has stayed the same over the years is how much we all enjoy the wildlife!  I think these are elk in this picture, but sometimes it takes a minute to decide between deer and elk.

A new addition to our Estes traditions was born on this particular trip, when we stopped to look at rocks on our way back home.  These ducks are residents of the pond right next to the rock shop where the boys love to shop, and Gavin discovered that he could buy corn from a machine to feed them.  He was in heaven!  Seriously, it was a huge highlight of our trip this time! 

Can you believe that beautiful emerald green of the mallards' heads...seriously?!?  So pretty!