Stenger Soccer Tournament
The Stenger Soccer tournament is an end of the season soccer tournament played in Southwest Denver. There are tons of teams from all over the state and the place has almost 20 games going on simultaneously throughout the whole weekend for all hours of the day. Our guys had to play five games in three days, so it is fairly intense. I was coaching for most of it, so I didn't get too many pictures. This is one picture of Gavin with the ball on the final day in the championship game.
These guys tied their first game 1-1, but then won four straight games (all shutouts) to win their bracket. Afterwards, we celebrated with first place medals and our pictures in front of this banner as they announced everyone's name.
Here is the picture of Gavin and coach Tim after the big win.
Finally, Gavin and I got to join in the celebration together. It is so fun to see these guys we work with each and every week work hard and then see the rewards of their effort and its even better when one of them is your kid. Gavin anchors the center of the field each and every game as a Center Midfielder and almost never subs out because he is so vital to his team's success. So proud of him!