The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, June 8, 2018

Florida Summer Trip - Day 5

This day ended up being a little bit more low key as Gage was still fairly sick.  I started the day with another nice six mile run along the beach, which even at 7 am is hot and humid enough to make you just drenched in sweat instantly.  We then headed over to National Shell Museum on the island to see what that was all about.  I was actually surprised by how small it was on the inside compared to what it looked like from the outside.  There were a few big rooms of some impressive shells, some as big as a basketball or slightly bigger that were obviously obtained form diving rather than washing up on shore.  We also created some little shell animals out of spare shells and glue guns that they had set up as a kids activity.  Lastly, they had about a 45 minute presentation of some live molluscs that we would typically see in the water nearby and we learned about how they live.  The presentation was actually pretty good, though the presenter's humor sometimes was a bit interesting.

We finished up the day (or so we thought) with a nice walk on the beach and another sunset off in the distance.  We headed back to bed and Gage started to have an upset stomach again.  Soon after bedtime, he was throwing up more and had a very high fever pretty quickly which had us worried again.  So, again I ventured over to the convenient store to buy some Tylenol this time that I could use to try to work on his fever in conjunction with the Motrin.  It was pretty scary for us and it's tough to ever see your kids really sick, but he made it through the rest of the night alright.  I ended up sleeping with him the rest of the night in Gavin's bed, giving up my valuable spot in the King bed.


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