Boulder Peak Triathlon
The Boulder Peak was my first Olympic Distance Triathlon which is typically a 1.5km swim, ~27 mile bike, and a 10k run. What is unique about the Boulder Peak race is that it happens to also go over Old Stage road which has a nice 12% grade, 1 mile climb on the bike portion for extra excitement.
Swim: I had been a little scared about the swimming portion being long for me, but my swimming has actually progressed fairly well and with each open water swim I feel a little bit better. I still stuck the back of the pack at the start being unsure of how I would end up. It started off fairly well and I was quickly able to find a reasonable rhythm. About half way through the swim many people seemed to lose the last buoy, as it was more or less in line with the sun, and swam to the wrong one. Thankfully, I saw most of this happening and was able to readjust without too much extra distance. On the way back I really was able to push and ended with a 27:30 swim time, which I am happy with for my first race at this distance. Still getting used to stumbling out of the water after swimming that long and trying to jog towards transition.
Bike: The bike was pretty solid for me. Tried to hold ~ 210 W for the whole thing and wanted to save some on the front of the course for the backside after the peak. There were a few people that passed me, but I think I caught most of them by the end of the course. Total ride time was ~ 1:14, or 21 mph.
Run: The run had some major issues and included an epic meltdown. It had started to get hot when I was out on the bike with the temperature forcasted in the mid-90s for the day. I went a little light on the drink at the end of the run and didn't have water for the last 5 or so miles. Unfortunately, the first water station on the run is almost 1.5 miles down the road. I started off running around 7:45 min/mile pace which was on target but I just started to overheat very quickly. By the time I got to the water station, I was already very hot and my mouth was completely dry. Accompanying this dry mouth was a weird twinge in my right quad. It wasn't quite pulled, but just hurt enough to bug me as I ran.
In any case, I gave in to the fatigue and struggled to hold 10 min/mile from there on out. The last four miles because just a painful act that saw me move from 8th in my age group to 15th. In the end my run time was ~ 59 minutes. Truly hard to imagine!
In any case, I gave in to the fatigue and struggled to hold 10 min/mile from there on out. The last four miles because just a painful act that saw me move from 8th in my age group to 15th. In the end my run time was ~ 59 minutes. Truly hard to imagine!
Looking back, the first two phases had been really positive, but the heat overwhelmed me. With the next race planned being a half-ironman, I felt like I wasn't ready for that yet so I signed up for another Olympic distance race in Steamboat at the beginning of August to serve as a redemption race. Hopefully I can hold it together for that race.