The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Christmas Tree Time

We are always happy to get in on the tree decorating.  King Soopers continues to deliver a quality tree for around $40 dollars and only requires us to drive five minutes to the store.  As Gavin and Gage get older, we have let them take over quite a bit of the decorating.

I love seeing great team work.  Here they are starting with the white strings of lights before moving onto the colored strings.

Here is the whole team with smiles all around.  Unless we move to a bigger tree at some point, it seems like we may have more ornaments that the tree can handle.

I love the look of the tree at night with just the Christmas lights on!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Winter Signing Choir

One of the great experiences that our kids were able to have this year was participating in the signing choir in their school.  This is open to 4th and 5th graders at Mountain View elementary, or to younger siblings of 4th and 5th graders that participate in the signing choir.  Gage was probably more excited to do it than Gavin, but Gavin joined so that Gage could do it and I think they ended up having an awesome time.  The first concert opportunity was when the signing choir was invited to perform at the Broomfield city tree lighting ceremony.  They were amazing and performed in an absolutely frigid cold wind.  They gave each signer a pair of cotton gloves for their fingers but that was likely not enough to keep them warm!

Here is another picture from the show.  You can make Gavin out in the second row from the top left with Gage nearby.