The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Another Snow Storm

After the snow man was forced with only a little snow earlier in the year, we didn't have to work too hard to find snow for this nice snow fort.  As you can see, Gavin was working with quite the pile of snow and is in the process of hollowing out a nice little cave.

Gage did the work of pulling the snow from various places by loading it onto the sled and dragging it over to the fort.

Then they both worked together to heave it up on top of the fort.  It's funny how many hours they can spend doing this.  Inevitably, they come in freezing cold and wet after a while.  I'm so glad they enjoy doing stuff like this instead of just constantly living in front of an electronic screen (although they would if we would let them probably).