The Koel Times Are A Changin'
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Morning Swim Practice at Rallysport
With joining the Boulder Racing triathlon team this year, I have been able to join the team for the morning swim sessions at Rallysport in Boulder. The outdoor pool is heated year round and we are greeted with amazing views like this one above to start practice. It also sure beats swimming by yourself all the time and sucking down chemical fumes at my former indoor pool location. I am really looking forward to competing this year and putting this new practice to the test.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Let Me Just Fix This Trim Real Quick...
So an interesting thing happened while I was investigating some less-than-fresh smells that seemingly were coming from our refrigerator. For the better part of a week, we were smelling something bad near our refrigerator and we were certain that it wasn't coming from food turning bad within the refrigerator. After searching the internet, sometimes the water trap below the condenser unit in the back can get some water in it and develop mold so I pulled out the refrigerator and took apart the whole back part and did find some less than savory water conditions that were not being helped by a crispy small mouse that was quite mummified. Yuck! After copious amounts of Clorox wipes we got it all cleaned out and was very proud of seemingly solving the issue.
However, I noticed this piece of trim that hadn't been nailed into the wall when we replaced the trim because it was likely behind the refrigerator and that was tough to get to. So, I figured let me solve this while I am in here and grabbed a nail and quickly put it through the trim. Only seconds later I started to hear what sounded like a hiss and I started to get confused. Confusion quickly turned into concern as water started flowing out from under the trim in the wall. I ran downstairs and sure enough it was starting to rain in my, thankfully, unfinished basement from right under the area. I ran to the main water shutoff and started grabbing buckets. After calling in a plumber, who actually was driving to their house in our own neighborhood at the time, we saw the error of my ways. I had found the only pipe in the whole wall to put a nail through and hit it dead center of mass. This was the water pipe that fed the second floor bathroom above. An hour or two (and $750) later, they had cut out the drywall, soldered in a new pipe section, and actually moved the water feed line to the refrigerator. Certainly a painful lesson about nailing in some trim! I guess at least the rotting smell is now gone from the area though...
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Gage's 10th Birthday Party
Gage decided to have his birthday party at Urban Air in Westminster this year. It has been a popular destination with him and his friends but certainly can get crazy on the weekends. This is a picture from the trampoline dodge ball room with Gavin in the front trampoline and Gage and crew on the back trampoline.
Here is a picture of Gage chucking a ball at the other team of kids.
Though she and Gabe missed the group picture, PJ joined for the party fun and is seen walking along the ropes course at the other side of the Urban Air.
Gage and associates are quite the motley crew as shown above. It was just the right number of kids for a party with being fun but not losing them all over the place. Attendees were his brother Gavin, Gabe, PJ, Kevin, Little Gavin, and Brian. Happy Birthday Gage! We love experiencing life with you and watching you grow up.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Winter Soccer Time in Colorado
Wintertime in Colorado can be hit or miss for weather but usually there are some nice days to get out and enjoy some soccer work. As Gage continues to pursue practicing as a keeper, here he takes some shots from Gavin. If all things go as planned, they can continue at this for quite a while without anyone getting injured or angry.
Here is the action shot of Gage blocking the shot. He does pretty well and seems to be enjoying all the practice and work he gets as a goal keeper. It is a tough position to play because if you make a mistake it often ends up in a goal for the opposing team but he is doing a great job at it so far.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Basement Workout Session and Indoor Climbing at EVO
This year, we have continued to pursue exercise and an active lifestyle at our household. This, however, is a first as both Gavin and Tara were riding bike trainers in the basement together. I think this is something we should do more often as it is great exercise and it makes for a better time than riding alone in the basement. It's also easy to go at different speeds and stay next to each other this way! Gavin was rocking his Boulder Cycle Sport kit for the session...looking sharp!
We have recently been introduced to a new climbing gym, EVO, that is reasonably close to our house so we have been climbing quite a bit more. Here is Gage doing some bouldering and has reached the top of the wall above.
Gavin spent a lot of time working on this blue route on the middle boulder as he climbed next to Gage.
As I am not certified to belay the kids at EVO yet, they are free to use the auto-belays. Here is Gage close to the top on this route almost 40 feet up.
Here is another picture of Gage on a second ascent up the same route. This has become a bit of a Friday afternoon tradition for us because you can climb from 4pm to 10 pm for only ten dollars and includes any gear you need to "rent" from EVO.