Marshall Hike
I am not going to lie, this hike was a scorcher! Super hot day, but I wanted to get the kids out on a hike so I took them to this Marshall Mesa hike that I had always wanted to try. I have seen the trail from all the riding I have done along Marshall road. The trail just starts on a side road and heads off across this barren dry grassland.
The kids were not quite sure about it and definitely showing the effects of the sun beating down on us with there delirious comedy routines along the hike. I think we were some of the lone hikers on the trail but we did get passed by quite a few bikers as we progressed.
The real destination of the hike was supposed the be this lake that is in the background of this picture. I was unsure exactly where it was or how to get to it or how big it was. We ended up finding it but unfortunately were locked out just yards from the water. It was a private lake that we couldn't access! What a bummer. We could have used some shade or some water to put our feet in and cool down a bit. After some snacks, we turned back around and headed to the car for some much needed air conditioning. Always an adventure with these two though!
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