The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


We swim in some pretty rough conditions with the outdoor pool at Rallysport, but this one was particularly gnarly.  The pool is heated but sometimes getting to it can be a bit treacherous.  We had overnight sleet and snow which left the deck in this condition. 

 Just to highlight how exciting it is, here are my legs/feet in an inch or two of ice and snow.  I guess it does make the pool feel slightly more like a hot tub once you run and dive in.  I will also note that the body stays warm with conditions like this but it always is cold on your head and in your lungs at these temps.  At least we have a committed crew to get the work done all through the year!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Seeing Clearly?

During Gavin's annual check up with his primary doctor, they noticed that one of his eyes was a little less than 20/20 and recommended we follow up with an eye doctor.  I had an upcoming eye doctor appointment so we scheduled us both at the same time to get checked out.  Here is Gavin getting checked out.  I will mention he was quite displeased with how uncool he looked in the picture.

 In honor of feeling "nerdy" in his picture, he tried to take a similar compromising picture of me while I was getting evaluated.  What a pretty classic set of pictures at the doctor's office these turned out to be!  In the end, his eye sight is fine for now but something to watch as he gets older and my eyesight is consistently mediocre so no changes on my end either.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


After a long stint with long shanks in our household, we finally got over to Ms. Kim to get these boys trimmed up.  Here is Gage throwing out the peace sign with his new look!

 Here is Gavin looking very sharp.  These almost turned out like staged photography shots just with the lighting and the portrait camera view.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Gavin's Latest Art

Here is another round of Gavin's art.  The above picture was the photograph of what he had to draw with the drawing below being the recreation of the picture using a ball point pen.

Pretty awesome work with this new technique he has learned!

This is actually one of my favorites to date.  It is a large trout picture with a mountain scene, trees, a river, and the night sky within the fish.  The photograph doesn't quite do the picture justice, but it is quite amazing.