The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Gage's Birthday!

I am sure having a very early January birthday is hard with just passing Christmas, but we always try to have a great time and Celebrate our little man, Gage.  Birthday's are still looking a bit different with Covid ongoing, but we had Little Gavin and Grady over to have some birthday cake and enjoy the day.

Here is the candle shot, though we decided this year it might be best to wave them out with a folder rather than blowing them out right over the cake.  We are so thankful for Gage and his energy, personality, kindness, and genuineness.  He has truly been a blessing in our lives and we wish him the best on another year as he turns 11!

Our big present to Gage this year was a 3-d printer as seen above.

 After quite a bit of assembling and leveling/tweaking, we were finally able to print something.  Here was Gage's choice of what to make first.  Its a dog on platform.  Pretty amazing!


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