The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, February 21, 2021

New Pool

The Broomfield Community Center facility just opened up after being built and miraculously has a whole aquatic center.  There is a 10 lane cool pool (81 degrees), a 5 line warm pool (86 degrees), a 10 m x 5 m water therapy pool, and a large hot tub.  Even better, it's super cheap to get a monthly membership.  I have been adding some extra swims at this pool as I wait for my ankle to heal to where I can do more biking and running.  Gavin and Gage also have been wanting to lift more and so we have been hitting the weight gym area for them to use the circuit machines.  They had to take weight training class to get certified first and then have some weight restrictions/guidance to ensure they don't lift too heavy, too young.  All in all, this is a great facility and it's only about 5-7 minutes from our house.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Plane Parts?

This is one of the craziest things that I have ever witnessed/experienced.  The boys were both playing soccer up at the Broomfield Commons and one of the engines from a plane that had just taken off from Denver International Airport (DIA) about 20 miles away exploded.  The sound could be heard from quite far away and then it looked like confetti/pieces of paper were coming down.  Quite quickly the kids realized that it wasn't paper that was coming down but rather huge pieces of metal from the engine coming down.  They turned and ran for cover as pieces started impaling themselves in the turf fields and surrounding neighborhood.  Miraculously, nobody was injured though some larger pieces came down on some nearby houses.  As kids tend to do things without thinking, many pieces were seemingly grabbed for pictures.  We later had to explain that they couldn't keep the pieces and that the FAA would require those pieces to help determine what happened to cause this accident.  It is also worth noting that the plane did successfully return to the airport and land without any injuries, but I am sure that would have been quite a scary flight to be on!

Free Flowing Infinite...

I have been using Infinit nutrition for years as a cyclist and now for years as a Triathlete.  It tends to work well with my body and they provide sponsorship to our team which works out well.  I had to laugh when I opened up my last order.  Apparently they had a packaging defect where the sides of both of my bags had big slits in the sides.

When you combine that issue with what must happen with the shipping process as things are thrown around.  You get a giant snow globe effect in a box!

 The Infinit team was great and quickly shipped me some replacement bags.  Just thought I would share the funny tale of this powdered box, though!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Ankle Progress

I am finally ready for the next stage of this Journey.  On this day we removed my blue cast and was shocked to be given the approval to move to a walking cast.  Though hard to tell from the picture above, my leg had some crazy atrophy and was even more skinny then normal!  The other main benefit to getting out of the cast is being able to shower and wash my leg again...taking baths everyday with a leg hanging out of the water is definitely a challenge.

Here is the walking cast in action.  It was very comfortable, but those first few days in it was almost still non-weight bearing.  It was surprising how sore my ankle and foot still were from being immobilized for the four prior weeks.  At least it was progress and I was closer to having a working ankle.

Here is the side view of how the wounds are healing.  This also marked the step to be able to begin physical therapy which will certainly have its own journey to get through.