New Pool
The Broomfield Community Center facility just opened up after being built and miraculously has a whole aquatic center. There is a 10 lane cool pool (81 degrees), a 5 line warm pool (86 degrees), a 10 m x 5 m water therapy pool, and a large hot tub. Even better, it's super cheap to get a monthly membership. I have been adding some extra swims at this pool as I wait for my ankle to heal to where I can do more biking and running. Gavin and Gage also have been wanting to lift more and so we have been hitting the weight gym area for them to use the circuit machines. They had to take weight training class to get certified first and then have some weight restrictions/guidance to ensure they don't lift too heavy, too young. All in all, this is a great facility and it's only about 5-7 minutes from our house.