The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, March 22, 2021

Moab - Day 2, Part 3

After the morning Delicate Arch trip, we headed to the back side of Arches National Park towards Devil's Garden and found this nice lunch spot near the trailhead.  We were super fortunate and had a parking spot open up right at this amazing spot.  While we did get down some food, the kids were almost too busy exploring to take much time.

A short walk from our lunch spot, we started out on the Devil's Garden loop which boasted of half a dozen different arches.  Everyone was in pretty good spirits as we started the second hike of the day with fairly warm sunny weather.

The first arch we came to was the Landscape Arch.  Another feature of this hike was endless amounts of this fine red sand that covered much of the trail.

Here is another picture of the Landscape Arch without any obstructions in front of it.  It looks fairly delicate but spans this huge distance.

Among the many things we stopped to explore and play in, here was an entire beach worth of the fine red sand that had collected between these two big slabs of sandstone.  I am sure these guys could have spent all day here just playing in this one spot.


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