The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Trip to Aunt Jackie's

Despite being invited quite often, we unfortunately don't often end up aligning schedules so that we can visit Aunt Jackie, Uncle Karl, and the cousins up in Granby, CO.  However, we did finally make the trip and here is a picture of Gavin, Gage, and Tara enjoying a little book reading on this bed sized pillow they have in their basement.  They recently finished their downstairs and it is pretty awesome with two additional bedrooms, a nice bathroom, and game room...perfect for entertaining!  Earlier in the day, we started off with a trip to the pool & hot tub and then did some general playing around the house.  The next day I had to head back to Denver for work, but Tara, Gage, and Gavin headed over to lake Granby for two additional days of camping by the lake with some friends.  What a great trip and good to see family for a quick strike.


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