House Projects
It's no secret that I am not exactly the world's best handyman and although I can change some light fixtures out from time to time I have generally tried to avoid anything more major. A couple of our sinks, though, have been leaking for quite some time so I finally tried to bite the bullet and get in on the action. This is the old bathroom faucet we are trying to replace as it just runs constantly.
The real fun, however, is found back here. We needed to replace out the old copper pipes and shutoff valves at the same time because they weren't working particularly well either. Plumping might not be so bad if you didn't always have to contort your body into some ridiculous position in order to complete any of the work. Getting a grip on these valves inside a cabinet, behind a sink, with some tools to break through the 20+ years of grime cementing them in place is not exactly my idea of fun. Apparently, I had so much fun that I forgot to take a picture of the after...but in the end (i.e. a few hours later) everything was replaced and water returned to our sink. This time it only flows when we turn the handle!
This is actually a picture from inside our pantry where, for some reason, Tara was getting tired of finding things in the dark with her phone light because the light stopped working a few weeks back. I decided to rip the old thing off and see what I could figure out and it turns out...not much. I bought a replacement and hooked it all up and nothing. After another week or so we called in an actual handyman and he found the same thing...nothing. This is where an expert is helpful as he was able to find that the actual switch had gone bad and it likely wasn't the light itself causing the short circuit. He got us up and running quickly and we had light again! Who says owning homes isn't fun!