The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, February 19, 2022

In and Out

I know this is a momentous, blog-worthy post...In and Out has opened a location in Colorado!  We had to go check it out but waited a few weeks until the chaos had settled down at least a little bit.  Tara was out of town, so we drove over and waited in a line of cars that was perhaps a half mile long.  In and Out did their best to make the wait palatable, as they had some guys walking the car line giving out stickers and other things to keep people happy.  Gavin and Gage may have had In and Out once in an earlier trip to California but they didn't remember much of it.

We finally got through the drive-through madness (about 30-40 minutes' worth) and rolled over to a local parking lot where we popped the back hatch of my car and sat and ate while enjoying some warmer February weather.  I don't usually condone the eating of fast food, but we had to make an exception to try this out and the kids loved every minute of it!


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