The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, July 3, 2022

So Close on The Deck...

As you can see, the deck work continues as we forge through the summer months.  The picture above shows the North side of the house and the new landscaping work I have been doing alongside the deck.  We pulled back all of the rock from this back area alongside the house and then leveled over the old flower garden that was alongside the fence to create a more defined rock area.  The dirt was also releveled to have the proper gradient sloping away from the house.  You can see the start of the tarping and re-rocking of the area that will ultimately be extended up to this metal barrier.

While I was working on the landscaping, we had all hands-on-deck to continue the support work for the main joists spanning the deck from the house.  This was quite the regular view for several nights each week as we pounded this out.

Here is another view of the work that is being done.  You can also see that with the new steps added, the deck area extends another 12-16" into the old lawn area.

This is a picture from South side of the house and shows the path going to the front yard.  The new landscaping work started out looking like this.

However, I am happy to report that the almost finished product looked like this above.  We redid the gradient, as well, on this side of the house and installed new tarp paper and rocks next to the house.  The crusher fines path was also extended and cleaned up to get out to the new yard barrier.  I am really happy with how this is all coming together alongside the deck work that will soon be finished.


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