The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, September 5, 2022

Brainard Lake Hike - Part 1 of 2

We always love getting our boys up into the mountains where we get to see the best parts of them always come out.  They love exploring and being active and many of the distractions of the world (mostly electronic in nature) are silenced.  Today we got out early to head up to Brainard Lake where we have hiked a few times before.  Here is Tara, Gavin, and Gage just after heading out from the first parking lot.

A closer picture of Gage, Gavin, and myself as we crossed the bridge on the East side of the lake.

Gavin was most excited about fishing up there and while there are some trout you can catch; it is a bit of a tough place to catch anything because the lake is so shallow until you get very far from shore.  Gavin made it over to this rock that is big enough to sit on that sits about 20 yards from the lake shore.  He fished a bit here with a meps spinner but didn't end up catching anything.

We slowly worked our way along the north shore of the lack and tried fishing in different spots and just did some general exploring.  I love this place because the backdrop is so beautiful with the continental divide in the background.

Tara was lagging a bit behind the crew and was trying to figure out a way to hop on the boulders across this little feeder stream in the above picture.  She did eventually catch up with us though!


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