One of my favorite races that I regularly do is Ironman St. George 70.3. This year, the family came out with me to cheer me on which was kind of special and different. With Gavin having his permit, we took advantage to have him drive some of the nine-hour trip from Broomfield to St. George.
Registration is typically the first stop once arriving in town. Here I am decked out in the Boulder Racing gear after picking up my goods.
I always stay in Las Palmas, which is on the Southwest side of the city, but has this awesome view. The complex has a nice pool in the middle, which is a nice perk, but I don't think the weather was really warm enough for the guys to head out and take advantage.
Here is all my stuff lined out for race day on Saturday. Truth be told, this was a pretty tough race for me this year and didn't turn out as I had hoped for.
For the swim: I had some issues with this swim that certainly contributed to the slower time for me. The water temp was fairly cold, and I did have a bit of that initial gasping/shock when I got in. I also had a prolonged battle with my goggle leaking on the right eye. I had to side stroke 3-4 times trying to get this sorted out and about 2-300 yards in I got a bit overwhelmed mentally with everything going on. I did pull it together a bit and just started swimming and got into a pretty good rhythm I thought through the main body of the swim. The last challenge was about 100-200 yards from shore my calf muscles cramped up and the only way I could get them to stop was to bring my toes forward which created a nice set of anchors to pull behind me. Given the challenges, 37:18 wasn't that terrible, but it was my slowest swim I have ever had in a half.
For the bike: Mixed bag here, I thought the bike felt really comfortable and in control. I was targeting trying to ride at ~ 190W AP/195W NP. Legs felt pretty good the whole ride and ended up riding a bit strong 195W AP/200W NP. Road Snow Canyon as planned ~220W and kept my HR pretty under control for most of the bike. I got caught a few times having to pass someone where I drifted into the draft zone, but overall, not bad. I got down most of my nutrition which was probably ~ 650 calories or so between two bottles of mixed Infinit. I think I was carrying ~ 750 but some was left. I had a bit of water on the course from various aid stations as well. I guess it was a mixed bag because I still ultimately didn't complete the run as planned.
For the run: From things seeming so good to seeming so bad. I've tried to deconstruct this run a bit but still processing. I was thinking I could run 7:30s average which would be 7:50-8:00 uphill and then 7:00-7:15 downhill. I think I executed this fairly well but maybe it was just too aggressive of a pace. I felt pretty good through mile 6-7 and then crashed pretty hard. It was a combination of physical tiredness paired with some stomach tightness/cramping and then mentally I struggled once it started going bad. I took water at every aid station and was taking a lick of Base salt every other mile. I carried about 150 Calories in a mixed bottle with me but never took any of that. This was probably a miss on my part. In any case, it was my first race back and I was reminded as to how hard these races can be. If I had to guess the physical issues were probably nutrition execution issues on my part and the mental stuff is just part of the process with my return to racing. In any case, I was happy to finish but obviously pretty disappointed with the end least I don't have to wait long to get another shot at it.