There are countless things that I love so far about being Gavin's mommy, but here are just a few things I'll comment on now:
-Catching him in his all-time favorite sleeping position (see photo above)--the lotus--and knowing it's his favorite because
I have the privilege of getting to watch him sleep and waking him up everyday
-Being tummy-to-tummy with him while he nurses and getting to see his big, blue eyes looking up at me and the sides of his mouth curving that tell me he's smiling (This lying down position was some genius' idea, by the way, and I hardly breastfeed anywhere but the bed now.)
-Contemplating that--only by a total miracle--God wove our son together in my womb and there he grew for nine months, all 7 pounds and 12 ounces and nearly 22 inches of him by the end!
-Having him smile at me when I go to wake him up in his crib (That ruins me!)
-Watching him hiccup now and remembering that he did that at least four times a day when he was inside me (It's the same boy!)
-Holding him with his cheek against mine to calm him down....or just because it's fun to hold him and call him my Baby Infant, Mama's Baby, Sweet Pickle, Milkasaurus Rex (that's all Brent's, I must confess), Baby Newborn, Milkman, Baby Milk Tongue, Milk Lips, and the list goes on, of course :)
-Listening to him sneeze his adorable baby sneezes, especially the ones that don't quite materialize into full blown sneezes (I'm happy to do this imitation for you anytime.)
-Realizing that he is starting to recognize my voice and my face
-Hearing him coo and babble and make adorable faces as he learns to communicate with us
-Knowing that, by the grace of God, Gavin is making me into a better person as I learn to be a good mom to him