The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

It turned out to be a great weekend, despite some mediocre weather on Sunday. We bought Gavin a new plastic swimming pool and this is his first swimmies in it. We put water in it early in the morning in hopes that the water would warm up by later in the afternoon, but when it hadn't, that didn't stop Mommy from taking Gavin for a swim in his PRECIOUS orange swim trunks.

Gavin just learned to clap last week! Thanks go out to his friend, Caleb Schmidt, who demonstrated the skill to him earlier in the week....and, of course, to Mom and Dad and their tireless hours of pat-a-cake :) It's so cute to see him clap now, especially since it's nearly always accompanied by a big smile!

Truth be told, it wasn't exactly balmy for Gavin's first outdoor pool experience, but he splashed around and had fun anyway.

Here is Gavin with his Grandpa Koel. It's his second play date with Grandpa, and Gavin showed him all his tricks...although Brent had apparently not properly taught Gavin to do the superman yet. Thankfully Grandpa was there to step in.

The real reason for the visit was to enjoy the running of the Bolder Boulder as father and son (which hopefully will become something closer to an annual tradition). We ran together and had a great time enjoying the cool weather and the expo frenzy afterwards. We ran a respectable a 49:00 minutes despite finishing as a pair of walking wounded (Brent from doing the race cold turkey with no training, and Bruce suffering through an achilles tenden issue). Bruce made a good showing, but the 24 hours of altitude acclimation probably were not sufficient for his liking. Above is a picture, post race.

Friday, May 16, 2008

On Mother's Day...

This is Tara's first Mother's Day, obviously...and what a sweet gift it was just to get a nice snuggle with Mommy first thing in the morning from Gavin! The second best gift is his new use of the "Ma-ma" sound when he really needs something.

Later in the day, Gavin took his first ride in the new Chariot carrier. I think he was actually as shocked as he looks in this picture. Fortunately, he lasted about 20 minutes and seemed to enjoy the free ride.

Here is Dad, cranking out the Watts by pulling all that baby weight on his time trial bike. At least it has the potential to make me stronger while enjoying a family ride.

Finally, a shot with Mom just enjoying our son and a nice afternoon bike ride together. Wow, does she look hot in her new biking jersey (gift from Gavin on Mother's Day)! Now, at least she can have a place to put a cell phone when she gets her next mechanical problem out on the road.

Our Little Chipmunk...

Recently, Gavin has just had 4 teeth on the top decide to come in all at once and join the two bottom teeth he already had. We hope this might explain his interesting sleep patterns as of late. Here is a picture of him gnawing on his crib mid-stance, which is his other latest trick. He started pulling himself up and standing in the last few weeks. What's funny is that before mastering standing while holding on with two hands, he has already moved on to trying to stand holding on with only one hand and sometimes no hands at all (after flashing a quick grin over his shoulder toward Mom or Dad). He then promptly falls over and repeats the feat...what a little dare devil. Mom says he had too many "bonkies and bonkies" today, and I can believe it judging by the war wounds I came home to after work.