The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free fun at Cottonwood Farm

We took Gavin to Cottonwood Farm last weekend, and it was so much fun! He loved riding in the wagon and trying to pull it himself too. We went to show him the animals, more than anything else, and kinda laughed at ourselves that we left without having bought so much as an ornamental squash.
A wagon may be in Gavin's future. He couldn't decide which part he liked better: riding in it or pulling it.
He chased Mama around the hay maze for a little while before he ended up running back to the entrance.
Yes, this was some old-fashioned, free fun! (He's trying to tell me something in this photo, but I can't remember what.)

Washing the car...

It does NOT get any cuter than this, just in case anyone is curious. Gavin had a HAY DAY (is that how you'd spell that?) washing the car with Daddy recently, and I was just the photographer. He basically loves water any way that he can get it, so that made this activity a good one. Daddy taught Gavin what to do with the hose and the sponge, and I tried to teach him how to dump out the dirty water in the bucket and put new water in.
Can you see his excitement for this new experience? I LOVE this part of parenthood!
Gavin was so proud of himself for helping Mommy & Daddy clean the cars. He was soaking wet when he was done, so it was perfect timing for his other favorite water activity--a bath.
Yep, it just does NOT get any cuter than this!

A cold walk with Mom...

What you are witnessing here is pretty amazing, because if you know Gavin you know that he regularly refuses to put anything on his head. It's been a major triumph lately to get him to wear this winter hat when it's cold and his other summer sun hat when it's warm like it has been here all week. (I love that I'm still in shorts and it's almost November, by the way. Remind me: Why do people live in other states besides Colorado?) Anyway, what I'm getting at is that it was amazing that he allowed me to put the hat on him--first--and then it was crazy amazing that he left it on even when we were back from the walk. I think this hat's a winner!

Playing around the house...

*Gavin pulls the string on his little candy corn toy and does NOT get that if he puts it down on the ground it will walk. The string is fun enough!

*Tea time with Mommy at Gavin's new little table

*How many times can I say it? Is he cute or what?

*Maybe he's practicing his kissies here. He walked right up to me today after his nap and gave me the sweetest little kiss. He must know what melts Mama's heart.

*Gavin would be more than satisfied if his only toys were a couple of balloons. He LOVES them and wants to make sure that we know exactly where they are at all times, as you can see in the picture above.
*Dad says he was watching a Bronco's game in this picture. (Please note his blue and orange pants.)

Hiking with Chris and Megan

Yes, it's true, and we both agree: We are total wimps with this backpack. The extra 3o lbs--between the pack and our son--just about does us in. (Unfortunately, I think Brent and I both have bad backs to begin with.) But it's worth it, in my opinion, because I love to hike! And Gavin does too, and why wouldn't he when he gets a free ride with a great view? In these pictures we were out with our friends, Chris & Megan, and their kids, "hiking" in Golden. (These are just nature walks at this point, let's be honest, but fun and beautiful nonetheless.)

We have a new computer!

After a few weeks of down time, we are back online. Tara's old computer finally bit the dust...she must have been emailing and blogging too furiously and it caused a complete meltdown. Anyway, the new computer is a Dell and we moved into the future by running Microsoft Vista. It has been OK so far, but it is quite a bit different than the old computer. Tara got so excited with the whole situation that she leaped into the social rat race more commonly known as Facebook.