Doesn't just the cuff of his pants and his hip, new shoes say, "I'm almost 16 months!"? I finally broke down and bought our son his first real pair of shoes. He's been so blessed with hand-me-downs and gifts that we've hardly had to buy Gavin any clothes or shoes until now! I found two "must-
have's" at Kohl's--this pair of Nike tennis shoes and another brown pair of "dress" shoes. The nice thing about Kohl's--besides the fact that it's two minutes from our house and appears to be very similar to our last name--is that
everything's always on sale!!! You know it's true.

Mommy and Gavin in red...

I just
had to put--or more like
stuff--Gavin into this adorable little bomber jacket before he couldn't fit in it for real. It's army green, and that's a little helicopter on the pocket. This one's for you, Dad!
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