Here you have it: Gavin is officially able to wear Brent's Levis jeans from when
he was little. I honestly didn't think that Gavin would ever make it into the tiny waist, but he did! And these are no elastic, buttons-in-the-crotch jeans. These are the real deal, and my friend pointed out that this is a real testimony to the quality of the jeans if you think about it. They've got to be about 30 years old! I wish that he could also fit into Uncle
Zachie's nearly 30-year-old cowboy boots, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Can you imagine what a combination that outfit would be?!

If he can repeat the act of fitting into the wasp-waisted, 1978 Levis, then Gavin would actually be able to wear these pants for quite some time because they're pretty long. I like how cute they are rolled up here.
pretty hip brent!! cutie cutie!
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