The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Precious moments with Mom...

Look at this sweet little boy! He's growing up so fast!!! He's talking up a storm lately. I read today that an average toddler his age may learn up to ten new words a day, and I believe it when I listen to him! His cutest words lately are "namoose" (caboose) and "ning cheese" (string cheese). He put his fire truck and school bus in time out on the stairs today and then came to get them later. So funny!
Daddy captured this adorable shot on our way to the park the other day. And, better yet, he used it in my Mother's Day gift: a two sided frame with this picture on one side and Gavin's hand print and message on the other side. I love holding my son's hand.


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