The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Watching some Nemo...

I don't think that Gavin watched 20 seconds of TV for the first year + of his life, but I do confess that now he's pretty hooked on "Finding Nemo" and "Cars." In fact, there was a week or two when watching one or both of those videos (not in their entirety, of course) was just a regular part of our routine around here. And I have to say that Nemo buys me some time to clean up the kitchen and take a sneak trip upstairs or shower quickly before Gavin even realizes that I'm gone :) (And we wonder where this guy gets his sneakiness?)
Sometimes one of us will cozy up next to Gavin to watch a little "Memo" (Gavin's version) ourselves, and that's always a welcome break.


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