The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How many words does he have?

So Gavin's 18-month doctor's visit was today, and among other things, the doctor asked, "How many words do you think he has?" He could tell from our pause that we had long ago lost count, so that was a good enough answer for the doc. Our son is so verbal...and go figure, with a mom like me! Here are some of our favorite words:





-"hnake"--snake....a close cousin to "hnack" for snack, so I guess he likes the "h" before his "n's"

-"ibbit"--ribbit, the sound of a "fog"

-"tiss" & "huck" (Hug was a new word today, and he quickly put it into action at bedtime when I was trying to leave his room for ten minutes. Could you leave with him standing at the edge of his crib saying "huck" and reaching for you?! I didn't think so.)

It's so exciting to see him learning new words and then putting them into action so quickly thereafter. There are entire books that he'll "read" to us now!


Blogger The Meyers Family said...

He and Brogan must be taking the same speech class! Brogan's words have been pouring out in the last couple of weeks - isn't it fun???

March 15, 2009 at 8:45 PM  

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