The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Great Gavin stories...

Sorry, all, for the big gaps between these updates. Life is so busy, and Gavin and I have both been sick for the last week or so, so that really slows things down. Here are some classic Gavin tales of late that I thought you might enjoy reading about:

-One night recently Gavin decided to brush ALL of his stuffed animals' teeth & then throw his toothbrush into the "hink."

-Another good one is when I watch Gavin giving milk from his sippy cup to his stuffed animals. Man, he takes good care of those things!

-Awhile back when we met my dad and step-mom at the Red Lobster Gavin touched a live lobster after putting his entire hand and sweater cuff in the tank earlier. Don't worry: I did wash his hands thoroughly before lunch.

-Gavin's latest fascination is lining every wheeled object up in a train. I think that this started after Grandma & Grandpa Topping gave him a set of magnetic trucks that he links up, and I'm still trying to figure out if he thinks that everything will connect the same way now. It's so cute to watch him! Today at the doctor's office he took a table of tractors, cars and trucks and immediately made them all into a train.

-Gavin is officially binky-less now, praise God! We really worried about breaking him of his pacifier/binky/chupon/pick-your-favorite, but thankfully the worst was really the first night of crying (2 1/2 hours!), and now he's getting used to just sleeping with his "mitts," the little cotton mittens that are intended for infants to keep them from scratching themselves. Yes, we realize that we still have one sleep prop to battle at some point, but on this one I think we'll take the classice stance,"I'm sure that he won't be sleeping with his 'mitts' when he's in high school."


Blogger Goodworth Family said...

Love the stories and props to you for fighting the binkie battle now dude - who cares about a mitten? - right on!!!

March 25, 2009 at 10:33 PM  

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