Here's our not-so-"Baby-Gavin" in the "no" with his "mitts" on. (Actually, they look like they're about to come off because they have a very short lifespan on his hands.) I pulled him around our street and up and down our driveway when it had snowed recently, and he got a big kick out of that. He's so much fun these days! He says and does the funniest things. We went to the zoo the other day, and of all of the amazing creatures in cages, the ones that fascinated him the most were the "cock cocks" (peacocks), so much so, in fact, that he asked for one before his nap after we were home from the zoo.
cious! (The asking, by the way, was the word "cock cock" and the sign for please. Too cute!) Then yesterday a little ladybug appeared in Gavin's room, and that just made our morning. He loved watching it crawl up and down his arm, and then he liked
transferring it to Mommy's arm too. But the best was when he attempted to drop the ladybug into his crib after saying "nut night," completely unaware that he had actually put the ladybug
permanently night night, as evidenced by the poor little creature's crushed wings when it staggered out of the crib. Gavin looked a little confused when I threw the ladybug into the garbage with the stinky diapers and said "night night," but then he moved on...and soon we were back to playing with trucks.
sweet sweet T!
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