The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good times at the Butterfly Pavilion

There was a time in the last few months when Gavin's home away from home was the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, very near our house. Between some coupons we had and some excited parents and grandparents, we frequented that place quite a few times in the course of a month or two. Is it just me, or does my son look HUGE in this picture with me?
One of the most special visits to the BP was with Daddy, of course. Gavin loves to stomp in the puddles on the ground and point out the beautiful butterflies. He's also quite fascinated by the beetles and other creepy, crawly insects that live there.
It's hard to get the point across that we only touch the Horseshoe Crab with the back of our finger. Somehow it seems like a lot more fun to splash the water everywhere and nearly take the crab out completely. Intervention, intervention!!!


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