We recently took Gavin up to visit "
Grampa T" (my dad) and "
Gramma S" (my step-mom) in
Loveland. They actually live outside of town right across from a beautiful ranch, and they have lots of open space and beautiful gardens in their yard. The river runs right behind their house, and it's so nice and peaceful up there. This picture of the three of us was taken in front of a wagon on their property.

Dad took this picture of us in front of one of his lovely fountains and flower gardens. Gavin was especially fond of the plastic gold fish swimming in the fountain, and we were especially fond of the part where he would put it directly in his mouth. (If you know my dad, this made him cringe every time.)

The bun in the oven is definitely
showin' up in this picture with me and my dad. We just had another appointment yesterday, and they said I was 15 weeks and 5 days. We heard the heart beat again and even a little movement! (I knew I was starting to feel something!)

What a sweet picture of Father and Son walking hand in hand out at the ranch.

Gavin liked petting the
horsey but was a little thrown off when the horse whipped his head around and swiped Gavin's face. Horses are such large and beautiful creatures, aren't they? We tried to feed several of them that day--a regular
pastime for Dad & Sandra--but none of them seemed up for our carrots. Gavin dropped a carrot inside the fence one time, and we had to be sure to pick that up in a hurry before he took it upon himself to crawl under the fence and join the horses. What a little adventurer we have!