The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm going to be a big brother!

Is this funny or what? He covered his face with this sign all on his own for the first picture, but I have to say that it's easier to read the important information: Gavin is going to be a big brother soon! Yes, it's true, I'm pregnant with #2, and I do realize that this is not news to most of you, though I guess it could be for some. My due date is January 8.
Poor Gavin has been asked to hold this sign many, many times (including for Daddy the day we found out!) and probably has never quite understood why. He "knows" that Mommy has a baby in her tummy, but then again he also says that he has one in his too. I've been telling Brent that it's been really hard for me to imagine him with a brother/sister, but we know that he'll make a great big brother. I'll be 15 weeks on Wednesday, and we have our next doctor's visit that day. It's SO hard for me to believe that at our very next appointment we'll know if our next little one is a boy or a girl. And, yes, we're definitely going to find out! I've been feeling good, over all, though still very tired and wondering when/if the increased energy of the second trimester will kick in. Anytime now! :)


Blogger The Meyers Family said...

I'm in the "didn't know" club - congrats!!! I've actually been checking the blog regularly to see what's happening with you guys AND because I had a feeling this news might be out there waiting for me... :) So excited and can't wait to find out boy or girl!

July 20, 2009 at 1:20 PM  

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