The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, June 22, 2009

Truck Days in Louisville

These were all a part of "Truck Days" at Louisville, where they had a huge parking lot full of all kinds of trucks and trailers and emergency vehicles. There were kids everywhere...running, screaming, crying. It was absolute mayhem: it was a kid's dream. Above Gavin is closely inspecting the inner workings of a backhoe scoop. You will also notice his new orange monkey hat that Dad (writer) purchased after he was tired of his son's collection of less manly-looking hats.

Gavin's fascination with all-things-truck has been very apparent for many months now. Driving around town he is always eyeing what's driving around or parked by the side of the road. Front loaders, mail trucks, trash trucks, campers, school buses, motorcycles, and more!

Here, Gavin is checking out the inside of a front loader scoop. It took him a while to warm up to the idea of going inside these giant trucks, but eventually he was hard to pry away from them when it was time to go get lunch. What a great event for a city to put on!


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