The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, June 22, 2009

Testing out the waters, literally...

One of the greatest inventions by city planners are the fountains that are literally springing up everywhere these days. In these pictures, we took Gavin to the Orchard (a newish shopping area near our house) on Father's Day. This was his second visit to the fountains this summer, and the first time we went he was super hesitant, which was not the way I expected our active, adventurous son to be in this fun, chaotic, wet environment.
At the beginning of his second trip he was still a bit tentative about the whole deal.
He kept a pretty safe distance from the water and only held out his hands at first.
We could see him warming up, though, as you'll note by the smile on his face!

He was generally fascinated by the unpredictable timing of these fountains. When was the water going to pop up? How close could he get before it did?


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