The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kansas #3 of 6...

This is one of my husband's "artistic shots" taken outside of the beautiful barn that Uncle Ron just decided to put up when Aunt Patsy turned 40. (Why'd he have to take my idea?)
Not bad, huh?! My uncle is really an incredible builder. They have a beautiful home and surrounding property.

Gavin had his first weenie roast in Kansas too! Featured in this shot (left to right) are Grandpa, Westin (Sierra's boyfriend), Garrett (Brittany's boyfriend and Westin's brother) and Gavin. These "friends," as Gavin called them, were SO good with our boys, and Gavin loved them.

Gavin looks pretty into his meal, wouldn't you say? So adorable on that little chair too.

Here's our little family enjoying the weenie roast together. Poor Gage looks like an afterthought off to the side, doesn't he?


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