This was Gage's premier swimming experience. It was so cute to see him in Gavin's old swimming trunks. We have a fun, outdoor water place near our house (The Bay), and I'm glad that we all got to go together.

Here's Daddy with Gage. I loved Brent's attempts to keep the sun off of his son: the cute hat and the long-sleeved
onesie. That's my conscientious husband for you!

Gavin could pretty much navigate the baby pool all by himself, which was nice. There are a couple of little slides, and the water is shallow enough that he has a great time there. I've thought of a couple of the things that Gavin has said and done lately that simply must be shared. We were reading about dinosaurs the other day, and when Gavin climbed into bed he said, "Now I'm a dinosaur in a Gavin suit." Today he asked, "What day is it? Friday? Oh, Saturday...well, we don't put up hugs and
tisses on Saturday. We're all out, sorry." Where do these adorable things come from?! He's been asking his food lately, "Where are ya coming from? The window? The door? Oh, there you are!" His role-playing and vocabulary crack us up these days!!

Gavin hears me calling Gage a "sweet factory" sometimes, and today Gavin's variation was a "wild factory."
Hmmm, I don't think so, Buddy, not half as wild as you are in any given moment I'm afraid. Gavin's been acting in extremes with his baby brother lately, either extremely sweet and thoughtful and protective or extremely everything to the contrary. My heart melts
every time I hear Gavin say, "I love you, Gage." My prayer is for them to be lifetime buddies and confidants.