Although I (Brent) am not currently a huge camper, I did quite a bit of camping when I was younger with my dad, step-dad (Bob) and boy scouts. I recently thought that there was no time like the present to take the little man out into the wilderness for an outdoor adventure. I was eager to find a place that wasn't right next to 100 other people. So, we headed out down a very rough dirt road into the forest near the base of Long's Peak and found the perfect spot. We did drive our car right up to this place, but I think the nearest people to us were about a half-mile away.
The first task was to set up the tent. Here is Gavin helping me put together the poles that we had to put into the tent to pop it up.

After about 30 minutes of work facilitated by Gavin's "help," we were finally ready to put all of our stuff in the tent. I think that this was the first time that Gavin had been in a tent. He was psyched.

Although not an official camp ground, this area had enough people that camp there that a stone fire pit was already there as well as a few logs to line the area where we camped. We threw down some chairs to sit by the fire pit and rested with a snack after all the hard work setting up the tent.

The next task, after the snack, was to actually get some stuff to burn in the fire pit. It was only about 4 pm by this time and Gavin was already wanting to light a fire. So we went off in search of a serious supply of fire wood. About 50 yards up a hill next to us were tons of small trees that had fallen over and were perfect to burn. I think we probably made 8-10 trips up and down the hill to haul wood. Gavin was quite eager at first but kept getting further down the hill from the wood harvesting spot with each trip.

After we had all of our wood and I stomped it into little pieces, I taught Gavin the basics of all things survival. Close to the top of the list was how to make a nice, little wood tepee to get a fire going. Then, of course, we used flint and steel to make a spark in the bottom of the pit...or maybe just a lighter...but that sounded pretty manly, huh?