The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, December 20, 2010

Roche kids' Christmas party...

My precious, preppy son is standing in the back of Santa's crowd learning the "Hokey Poky" if you can believe it. "You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, you put your right hand in, and you shake it all about..."

"Grandpa Mike" loves his time with his youngest grandson. And how do we like Gage's little Christmas outfit in this picture?!

Last year Gavin asked the balloon man to make him a hamburger, so we encouraged him to try something a little more mainstream this year. He had some pretty standard ideas until it was his turn, and then he asked the balloon man to make him a dove. Can you see me crouched down next to him in line?

Gavin seemed happy with the result, and I think that he could wear it as a hat for awhile. And then I'm pretty sure that we let it deflate in the back seat over the past couple of weeks. So funny--and strange--that those things lose their novelty so quickly.

This Santa's the real deal. That beard is no fake, and I remember thinking this last year. They must hire the same dude every year! Having both of the boys on Santa's lap was a precious sight, I have to say. Gage was a little thrown off, but he rolled with it long enough for a few pictures. And Roche (Brent's company) is so generous every year: They give every child a gift card to Target. (Err, I mean Santa's elves do, actually.) Gavin's been talking about his "credit card" lately ("Mama, someday can I buy something with my credit card?") and asking when he can spend it and what he can buy with it. He insisted in taking the Target gift card with him to King Soopers the other day, though he had been told several times that it would only work at Target. He also got out of his bed the other night just to make sure that we remembered to take the "credit card" out of his pant pocket before we threw the pants in the dirty clothes.


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