Gage loves to give kisses at the gate at the top of our stairs. I close the gate sometimes for no particular reason at all, except--that is--to get one of his priceless little "
tissies." One of Gage's favorite games these days is peek-a-boo. I wish we could catch a picture of him leaned over saying "boo" because that's as cute as it gets. That and hearing his little "wee, wee, wee" when I so much as hold up my finger for "...and
this little piggy."

Though he's our little walking man these days, he still resorts to crawling fairly often...even on pavement. Ouch! At least he's got pants on.

He's wearing Brent's old Levis in this picture. I think they're so cute, but apparently they're a little too dark and straight and emphasize Gage's tummy too much :) for Daddy's style. Speaking of Daddy, the first thing that Gage says when he wakes up these days is "
Daaah-DOW!" He even does it after naps, though Brent is never around then to get him. We wait for his stretches and other cute sounds, but once he's thrown out the Daddy call a few times he's serious about someone coming to get him.

The older he gets the lighter his hair is becoming. Notice the size of his cup in this picture? If you're around for very long at our house you'll hear a "
oooh" coming from Gage, and that always means that he wants some of Mommy's or Daddy's drink. His little lips make the tiniest "o" when he makes that sound, and then when you see his brush-brush version of "please"on his chest you're done. We always end up passing off our drink at some point during the meal. He does surprisingly well with a cup that size. In other eating-related news, Gage has just started using his own spoon/fork. He ate a whole bowl of Malt-o-Meal the other day, and the next day he ate a whole bowl of apple sauce by himself. I'm shocked at how quickly he seems to have picked that up! It's not even as messy as you might expect.