I got to be present for Camille's first bath at home! I think that Zach and Lorna described it as being terrifying, and Zach's line that I keep remembering and laughing at was, "Why didn't anyone tell me that being a parent was so stressful?!" I only laugh, of course, because it wouldn't have mattered if we
had told him. You just don't get it until you're living it. And it's been especially stressful for them, of course, because of her initial health concerns.

Here we are, trying as fast as we possibly could, to get Camille changed and warmed up after her bath. It was fun for me to relive some of the "firsts" with my kids as I experienced them with Cammie. I remember Brent being so concerned about Gavin getting cold during his first bath that we had him totally bundled up, and then we'd remove each appendage one at a time to wash it and immediately return it to the towels and blankets. Lorna's totally naked approach with Camille was much more bold and resulted, I'm sure, in a more thorough (but perhaps also more terrifying) cleaning job.

It was fun to see where Zach and Lorna are living now. (My last visit to Austin was with Gage when he was 4 months old, and they have since moved to a different place in a different part of town.) This was taken on their front porch, and I just happened to be there during a rare and wonderful time when we could actually enjoy being outside. (It was in the 80's and with barely any noticeable humidity, which was not the case during my mom's recent visit when it was 100 degrees and wet outside every day.) They are renting a really cute place with a wonderful guest room where I stayed.

I remember Zach trying to get used to seeing me as a mom, and now I get what he meant. He's always been my brother, then he became a husband, and now he's a father! Seeing your siblings (and good friends) become parents is a wild thing. One of my dearest friends hardly ever sees me with my kids, and she was just telling me today that it's
still hard for her to associate me with children. She has known me since high school, and most all of our memories together (aside from the ones from the last three-and-a-half years) are
not with kids. What a whole new world it is...when our offspring join our lives!

On my last night in Austin, I offered to take Camille for an hour to give Zach and Lorna some sleep. What a precious time that was! Besides being a wonderful bonding time with Camille, it also helped me to understand her parents' fears and anxiety when she slept
so still and quietly in my arms.
As I rocked her in her room, I thanked God for her and the moments I had right then to be her present auntie. I acknowledged that she was my niece, and I was her aunt, and I prayed for that relationship to be special throughout her life. I hope that we won't always live so far apart. My desire is that our kids would grow up playing and laughing together and being fun cousins that really know one another.
I'm so grateful that I got to go to Austin! Thank you, Babe, for being willing to watch the boys for the weekend. And thanks, Pam, for all of your help, too! I was one popular mommy on Monday morning at the airport. In fact, because I had to be touching both boys the whole way home, I eventually moved to the back seat and sat between their car seats. It was a really special reunion.