The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Malia's wedding...

This is my dear friend, Malia, with her now husband, James. They are truly one of the most wonderful couples I know. Their wedding on July 10 was beautiful in every way, and I was so glad that we could be a part of it.

One of the many personal touches that Malia and James put on their wedding day was the story-telling portion of the ceremony. (And, by the way, the ceremony was held at none other than the awe-inspiring Flagstaff amphitheater on a perfect Colorado summer morning.) Each of them told a wonderful story significant to their relationship, and Malia was precious up there waxing eloquent and making eye contact with her special guests.

Another one of my dear friends, Leah Rahe, gave the wedding message, and it has been fondly referred to as the Homeleeski. She did a wonderful job of sharing God's truth in a very down-to-earth way that invited James and Malia to see themselves as the beloved. It was a wonderful invitation and challenge for all of us.

My hot little ensemble (admittedly more hot in my head and hopefully in real life...but not quite as much in this picture) cost me all of $3. I found the adorable strapless dress (my first ever...that I can remember) at a garage sale in my neighborhood for $3!!! And then two different friends provided the perfect accessories: chunky, red jewelry and fun, red & black peep-toed heels. Leah and I sang a little song for Malia and James at the reception (held at the Chautauqua Dining Hall), and though I was more nervous than I expected or wanted to be I was truly blessed to give them that gift and honored to be asked to give it.

Here I am with the bride. She was truly radiant that day. The dress was made for her, and I think James was too. They are truly a beautiful couple that make you believe in the purpose and design of marriage. All our best and many blessings to you both, Malia & James.


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