The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gavin turns four- Part 2 of 2

This was more than your average fire-themed birthday party: It was totally educational! Here the kids were practicing stop, drop and roll.

This half-smirk is a new smile for Gavin, and he's been trying it out in pictures lately. It cracks me up!

Chuck (our firefighter friend) let the kids take turns sitting in the driver's seat and putting on the real firefighting gear. What more could a four-year-old boy want for his birthday?!

How precious is this?! Papa Jim and Gage have a special bond. Gage calls him "Boppa."

Not sure if you can see the very manly cake that my son requested: chocolate with pink frosting and a #4 candle! My addition was the huge blue writing on the cake, the kind you do with frosting in a baggie. I cut the corner a bit too big (oops!), and I could see half-way through the job that I wasn't going to have sufficient frosting to write "Happy Birthday, Gavin!" so it quickly became "Happy #4 (candle) Day, Gavin!"


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