The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kansas road trip 2011 - part 5 of 5...

Ron knew that he had spent a lot of special, one-on-one time with Gavin, so he made a point to take Gage out on the four-wheeler by himself one day. Honestly, how precious is that picture?!

Now, for those of you who know Ron, you know that I should win a photography award for this one: I caught him smiling!!! That's a rare treat (on film), but his niece got 'er done. Can you see how much Gavin looks up to his Great Uncle Ron? (We tend to drop the great part of his name because that makes him feel too old, but it probably makes perfect sense to Gavin to keep that in the title because he admires him so much.) Ron recently graduated from nursing school, so that's the story with the black scrubs in this picture. He was just heading out to work a night shift on the last night that we were in town.

Brent caught this picture of just one of the crazy BIG spiders we saw in webs everywhere at Ron and Patsy's that weekend. We just couldn't believe the size of those things!!


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