Gavin was the only kid riding a bike with no training wheels next to his class' float in the
Broomfield Days parade. Brent and I took turns pushing Gage in a stroller.

I tried to decorate Gavin's bike with some streamers, and my claim-to-fame was the cute apple on the front of his bike. We were all told to wear red, and Gavin looked especially adorable in his new Apple Tree t-shirt. (His preschool is called Apple Tree Christian Preschool & Kindergarten, by the way, if you're wondering about all of the apple talk.)

This is Gavin with his school buddy and neighbor (mas o
menos), Callie. They were so cute together that day. Callie's mommy, Natalie, and I have been in MOPS together, and now we're in a book club that meets every other week. I've been thinking lately about how much I appreciate having a safe place to share and grow with real friends and talk about all of the mommy madness. It's so good to compare parenting stories and advice, and I'm learning so much from these wonderful mothers.

See Gavin on the sidewalk? Some of his buddies were on the float next to him. I'm in the back pushing Gage. The parade was lots of fun. One thing we did not consider ahead of time, however, was the length of the journey
back to the car after the whole event was over. I was so proud of both boys in the end, though, especially Gavin riding his bike all the way back to the car.
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