The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Camille's Colorado trip...

Somehow, this picture of Zach in my hat (to cover his bed head that you, Bro) was the only picture to document Camille's most recent visit home. The fun was that it just happened to coincide with Gavin's birthday, so Uncle Zachie was able to stop by the fire station, too. When Zach returned to Texas, Auntie Lorna was still around for a few more days, and it was so much fun for me and Gage to meet up with her and Camille at the mall one day when Gavin was in preschool. I couldn't believe how quickly and easily Camille fell asleep in her Moby wrap. I can see the appeal with those things, though I never used them much with either of my boys. Once they were heavier than tiny infants, I guess it felt like too much on my back.


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