The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, October 10, 2011

One finished deck...

After who-knows-how-many hours, but certainly more than I had anticipated or roughly 40 to 60 hours, I (Brent) finally finished the summer deck project. This was a back-breaking, slow process, but it ended up being worth it in the end. Here is a picture of the finished product in the glow of a morning sunrise. I put a clear coat on the it after sanding the entire deck with 60 grit, then 80 grit sandpaper using a 5 inch disk sander. The kids seemed to enjoy helping me sand the deck with Gavin's toy sander as pictures over the summer have shown.

Here is a closer view. Let's just hope that I can maintain the deck in a better way year-to-year so I don't have to repeat this effort any time soon.


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